According to Ika Abravanel’s opinion, painting is a kind of meditation. It emerges out of a very pure and authentic place, sometimes from a hidden and mysterious place. You usually begin when you have some kind of idea. There is even an aspect of planning, because the imagination evokes an image, which can sometimes be highly detailed, but the outcome is completely dissimilar. This is because as the process develops, additional ideas suddenly come up, and various techniques are used, and often the original concept is even completely abandoned, and the painting becomes something else entirely that comes from a source that is difficult to define. Sometimes it is called inspiration.

Ika was discovered at a very young age by Yvette Schupak, who was Marc Chagall’s student, and began studying painting, mainly in oil and pastels, as well as drawing and engraving.....


‘Do not be afraid to walk slowly. Be afraid to stand still” is a Japanese proverb that artist Ika Abravanel has taken to heart in every chapter of his life. Born and raised in Jerusalem, Abravanel’s artistic talents were nurtured at a very young age by Yvette Schupak, who was Marc Chagall’s student, and began studying painting, mainly in oil and pastels, as well as drawing and engraving..

Check out Ika Abravanels' exhibitions around the world:
Italy.Austria. Israel. United Kingdom...

My fascination with details represents who I am and therefore when the work is completely abstract, I have a clear desirability to formulate the movement and frame it so that it will come to an accurate and clear expression, clear and distinct, almost like in photography.